
Nose Jobs in Edmonton

Rhinoplasty or nose jobs are one of the most common plastic surgery procedures. They can be used to reduce or increase the size of your nose, reshape the tip or the bridge, narrow the nostrils, or change the angle between your nose and upper lip. This cosmetic surgery can also be used to correct birth defects or injuries, or relieve certain breathing problems. The Meadowlark Surgical Centre & Cosmetic Clinic offers nose jobs at our Edmonton facility.


Rhinoplasty can enhance your appearance and self-confidence, but it won’t necessarily change your looks to match your ideal, or cause other people to treat you differently. Before going through with a nose job, think carefully about your expectations and discuss them with your surgeon.

The best candidates for rhinoplasty surgery are people looking for improvement, not perfection, in the way they look. If you’re physically healthy, psychologically stable and realistic in your expectations, you may be a good candidate.

Age is also a consideration. Many surgeons prefer not to perform nose jobs on teenagers until they’ve finished growing – around 14 or 15 for girls and a bit later for boys.


In your initial rhinoplasty consultation, your surgeon will ask what you’d like your nose to look like, evaluate the structure of your nose and face, and discuss the possibilities with you. He or she will also explain the factors that can influence the surgical procedure and its results, including the structure of your nasal bones and cartilage, the shape of your face, the thickness of your skin, your age and your expectations.

In most cases, incisions will be made inside your nose (closed rhinoplasty) so they will not be visible. When external incisions (open rhinoplasty) are recommended, they are placed in well-hidden areas such as the crease where the nose and the lip join.

With open and closed nose jobs, work is done on the cartilage and bone that form the structure of your nose. Sometimes certain bones may need to be altered to make your nose look narrower and straighter. If your nose needs to be augmented, this can be accomplished using cartilage from your nose or cartilage from another part of the body. The skin and soft tissues will reposition themselves over the new form of your nose.

View Nose Reshaping in 3D



All rhinoplasty surgery carries some uncertainty and risk. While complications are infrequent and usually minor, there is always a possibility of infection, nosebleed or reaction to anaesthesia. Following a nose job, small burst blood vessels may appear as tiny red spots on the skin’s surface – these are usually minor but may be permanent. When closed rhinoplasty surgery is performed, there is no visible scarring at all; when open rhinoplasty is used, the small scars on the base of the nose are usually not visible.

In about one in ten cases, a second rhinoplasty procedure may be required, for example, to correct a minor deformity. Such cases are unpredictable and happen to patients of even the most skilled surgeons. Corrective surgeries are usually minor.

For more information, please contact us today. To book an appointment, please contact one of our surgeons.